Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Christmas Greetings..My apologies

Hey everyone,

I want to take this opportunity to apologize for not having updated this blog for a while. As we all know, life gets in the way of our goals and passions at times. This has been one of those times. I am working on some material for this blog for the upcoming year 2010. So coming January 2010 I'll have new posts on this blog at the very least weekly. (Ideally I'd like to post daily or at least 2 to 3 times a week, but I'll try to post at least once a week, as time permits.)

So until the new year, which I pray will be filled with health, blessings, favor, God's glory shining on your life, your dreams coming to past, etc, I extend a very Merry Christmas season to one and all.

God bless...

Lady J (aka LJ)/Miss J (aka MJ)
"For With God Nothing Is Impossible" Luke 1:37
Million Dollar Experiment 2010 (blog)
Story Writer In Bz (blog)
Christians In Business (blog)
MJ Enterprises Bz (Blog)

Follow me on twitter:

IM me on Yahoo Messenger: mde.realonlineincome

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

$5 promotion for the rest of 2009

Hey everyone,

Imagine, if you will, that someone was promoting your business(es) for you at least once a week, every week, on at least 4 different sites.

Sounds great doesn't it. How much would you pay for a service like that? $100? $200? $300?

Well, from now until December 31, 2009 (midnight Eastern Standard Time), you can have ME promoting YOUR business(es) at least once a week, every week.

That's at least 5 months of ME promoting YOUR business(es) on at least 4 different sites, every week.

Again I ask, how much would you pay for such a service? $400? $500?

Well, for the insanely low price of $5 (yes you read that right - a one-time payment of US$5), that's exactly what I'll be doing for you.


If you'd prefer to be doing the promoting yourself on MY sites, then it's ONLY $10.

So for $5 you can have me doing the promoting for you, or for $10 you can do the promoting yourself. Your choice.

For the $5 offer, please press the button below:

For the $10 offer, please press the button below:

God bless...

Lady J (aka LJ)/Miss J (aka MJ)
"For With God Nothing Is Impossible" Luke 1:37
Million Dollar Experiment 2009 (blog)
Story Writer In Bz (blog)
Christians In Business (blog)
MJ Enterprises Bz (Blog)

Follow me on twitter:

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Calling All Writers

Hi everyone,

On Sunday, May 17, 2009 I reminded my readers that I have been holding a story continuation contest.

To recap:

have decided to further extend the deadline from Friday, May 29, 2009 12:00 (midnight) EST (US) to Saturday, August 15, 2009. The winner will be announced on Saturday, August 29, 2009 on this blog.

I have decided to extend the deadline until Saturday, August 15, 2009 to allow for as many people as possible to get in on this contest. This contest now has an interesting twist, which should cause a stir among the readers of this blog.

The twist: Well, before I get to the twist, I should probably recap the original outline of the contest for those of you not familiar with it.

To recap (the original outline): I had opened a story continuation contest. The story is one of my christian fiction entitled "The Wealthy Atheist". So far 3 Chapters have been posted. I am looking for Chapter 4.

The lucky winner will become an author on my blog PLUS they will receive $1 (the cash may go up) to their paypal account (must have paypal account in order to receive payment).

In order to qualify to win you MUST continue the story (Chapter 4) on the site. Only continuations (Chapter 4) posted on the site will qualify for the prize (of authorship on my blog AND cash).

Now for the twist: You are allowed to continue ANY of the stories found here. In addition, you can go as many chapters on ANY of these stories as you like. Why? Because the more stories you continue, and the more chapters of ANY story you continue, the more cash (that's right I said more cash) you are eligible to receive. I think this bares repeating. The more stories you continue, the more cash you are eligible to receive. The more chapters of ANY story you continue, the more cash you are eligible to receive. The only condition that remains the same from the original outline is that it MUST be continued (each story you choose to continue for as many chapters you choose to continue) MUST be posted on the site (and of course I must be able to find it).

Let me clarify what I just said with a couple examples.

Example # 1: Currently there are 4 distinct stories on (The Wealthy Atheist - Chapters 1, 2 & 3; Her First Nightmare; Heavenly Minded; Teenage Drama). You decide you will continue 3 of these 4 stories. If you decide to continue each story 1 chapter each, that's 1 x 3 = 3 times the cash (which is 3 x $1 = $3) you're eligible to receive if you are chosen the winner (from among your 3 entries).

Example # 2: Of the 4 stories currently there, you decide to just continue 1 of them. You decide that you'll write (oh let's say) 5 chapters. That's 1 x 5 = 5 times the cash (which is 5 x $1 = $5) you're eligible to receive if you are chosen the winner (from among your 5 entries).

Are you beginning to see the possibilities here? The possible cash you could receive is completely based on how many entries you decide on.

If you are confused then please feel free to drop me a note (for clarification purposes) to and I'll do my best to get back to you within 48 hours of receiving your note.

Looking forward to reading quite a few entries.

God bless..

"For With God Nothing Is Impossible" Luke 1:37
Million Dollar Experiment 2009 (blog)
Story Writer In Bz (blog)
Christians In Business (blog)
MJ Enterprises Bz (Blog)

Follow me on twitter:

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Special Promotion for the Month of July

Hi everyone,

For the entire month of July (1st to 31st) my business The Million Dollar Experiment, a blog where I document my journey to making $1,000,000 online, is being featured on the MegaMillion Social Network for Millionaires.

Once again I'd like to thank Laura Reeves (creator and owner of MegaMillion) for featuring my business this month.

As a special promotion, I'm offering anyone the opportunity to promote their business(es) on my Million Dollar Experiment (MDE) blog, for the rest of this year. That's right I said the rest of this year.

For a one time payment of US$60 via paypal, or monthly payments of US$10 for 6 months ($1 for the 1st week), you can have your business(es) promoted on my MDE blog as well as 3 other blogs I own.

For a measly US$60 one time payment or monthly payments of US$10 for 6 months via paypal, you can promote your business(es) on all 4 of my blogs for the rest of 2009. That's 6 months of me posting about your business(es) to my 4 blogs.

Once I've received the one time payment of US$60 or your US$1 for the 1st week via paypal I'll email you to have you email me the information you'd like me to post on my blogs about your business(es). For our mutual benefit, I suggest you write what you'd like me to write about your business(es) as if you were the one posting this info to my blogs. If I need to I'll edit it to fit the guidelines.

This is a special promotion that I'm running ONLY for the month of July, while my business (the MDE blog) is being featured on MegaMillion.

So hurry and take me up on this insane offer before the month ends.


The offer is still valid with a few minor changes. Instead of paying $60 or the trial $1 then a monthly fee, I've decided to lower the price to a ridiculous one time payment of $5.

For the rest of 2009, you can have me promoting your business(es) on all 4 of my blogs for one payment of $5. This offer is only valid until Thursday, December 31, 2009.

God bless...

Lady J (aka LJ)/Miss J (aka MJ)

"For With God Nothing Is Impossible" Luke 1:37


Million Dollar Experiment 2009 (blog)

Story Writer In Bz (blog)

Christians In Business (blog)

MJ Enterprises Bz (Blog)

Follow me on twitter:



Monday, June 15, 2009

My Social Networks: Come Join Me!

Hello everyone,

I know I've been somewhat MIA here on this blog. I do apologize. I've been superbusy holding down 2 day jobs and trying to maintain an online presence in several online communities as well as my other blogs. I promise to try and do a better job of posting to this blog more regularly.

Now I'd like to extend an invitation to all my blog readers, online friends, everyone who is reading this post anywhere in the world. The invitation is to join me on the following social networks:

Millionaire Mentors:

The Social Network for Millionaires and Millionaires in the Making.

Giving Online:

The Social Network for Givers (of every kind) Online

Millionaires for Christ:

Creating Millionaires for Christ

Looking forward to seeing you on these networks.

God bless..

Lady J (aka LJ)/Miss J (aka MJ)
"For With God Nothing Is Impossible" Luke 1:37
Million Dollar Experiment 2009 (blog)
Story Writer In Bz (blog)
Christians In Business (blog)
MJ Enterprises Bz (Blog)

Follow me on twitter:

There Is "Magic" in Monday!



Think about it - YOU have the ability, the POWER, to make today whatever you want it to be! Oh, I know, there are some of you that are arguing with me right now about this, trying to tell me that I don't know your boss or I don't know the stress you're under or a million other things.


Oh, I know it matters as far as "it is important" to you and your life. However, when I say IT DOESN'T MATTER, what I mean is this: regardless - REGARDLESS of any or all of these "things" that you want to mention - you STILL have the ability and the power to make today whatever YOU choose!

Why dread Monday? Why not, instead, realize that you have the chance to set the tone, not only for your day, but for your whole week! YOU chart the course! Do you understand that?

If you have been following my podcasts and/or my blog then you should have begun, by now, to understand the POWERFUL FACT (yes, FACT) that we DO have the ability within each of us to CHOOSE our path for the day. Will there be roadblocks? Sure there will. Will there be people trying to sabotage what we have planned for our day? ABSOLUTELY!

But, BE PERSISTENT and STAY ON COURSE - THE course that you have set for your self and your mindset.


Yes, you can!

And, while you're at it...."Make it an AWESOME Day! (Who else is going to do it for you?)"

Mike Spillman

There Is "Magic" in Monday

Tuesday, June 2, 2009


                  “Then He called His 12 disciples together and , gave them power  
                   and authority over all devils and to cure diseases”
                   LUKE 9:1

                   “By the word of truth , by the power of God , by the armor 
                    of righteousness on the right hand and on the left’
                   2 CORINTHIANS

                   ”Put on the whole armor of God . That ye maybe able to 
                     stand against the wiles of the devil “
                    EPHESIANS 6:11

                  “Wherefore  take unto you the whole armor of God , that ye 
                    may be able to withstand in the evil day , and having done 
                    all , to stand”
                    EPHESIANS 6:13

 The sun comes up in the East and sets in the West , but can any day ever begin or end without authority? 
By nature we as humans seek authority ,  imposters [disguised as public servants ]   to the one who gave  us authority to begin with . The ability and authority to freely choose righteousness  , and by obedience to Him the proper methodology  and garments to deflect the daily assaults against our very souls  . Yet souls perish everyday , foolishly lacking the knowledge that they already posses the authority that they in vain diligently pursue  , but sadly fail to find anything they can faithfully be allegiant to or believe .Given to them equally as anyone , by the eternally loving Father of us all , that created them , wanting them to prosper and glorify Him .

               ‘’My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge because thou        
                  has rejected knowledge , I also will reject thee , that thou shalt
                  be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy 
                  God , I will also forget thy children’’
                  HOSEA 4:6

The above instructions and , plainly explicit dialogue , assures us that each day will begin and end by our and His authority . Best , is that as His proxies we already are given the authority to begin , endure , each and end every day .

No doubt in our daily existence we will endure and need to overcome many frequent attacks by the attacks of principalities in this world . As we of this world , not in it do have the authority to defeat all attacks against us. Depressing ? Not really!, as Paul said to die is Christ , to live is gain . Later in Phillipi , he told us , I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me’’, both profundities that we need to make part of our everyday lives . Nearly one thousand years earlier Isaiah instructed Jerusalem to put on the breastplate of righteousness , helmets of salvation , garments of vengeance , and clad in cloaks of zeal . Man says relegate , God says just do it . Clearly that resonates our domain of authority .

              ‘’For he put on righteousness as a breastplate , and a helmet of 
               salvation upon his head and he put on garments of vengeance for 
               clothing , and was clad with zeal as a cloak ‘’
               ISAIAH 59:17

Paul in Ephesus , espouses this somewhat modified . Recorded by Luke and given to us .

            ‘’Stand therefore having your loins girt about with truth , and having  
               on the breastplate of righteousness’’
              EPHESIANS 6:14

Profound truths enabling us to fend off with Father given Heavenly authority , any and assaults launched against us . That is no promise of a grandiose life , just divine assurance that we have the authority to face any and all offenses and know that we will never be alone nor forsaken .

Something that I can elaborate on , because I am the only expert that I know on me . The disabilities I have now are the result of a stroke that I survived May 21 , 2001 . On that day like the roaring lion that he is , Satan took from me a very healthy body that I took for granted . I plunged into a realm that few enter and fewer ever emerge from . For a long time I languished in grief over my loss , and felt betrayed , and forsaken .What Satan took , God returned as a blessing that does enable me to see life from a very unique perspective . Nearly eight years later  , what took seconds to happen has taken years to overcome .The improvements keep on keepin’ on , proving to me that it does get better, and this entire time I have known that I have  the God ordained authority to daily pursue health and inspire others while I do it .

Jesus in Matthew 22: 39, commands us to ’

             ’’And the second is like unto it , Thou shalt love thy neighbor as 
                thyself ‘’

In Romans , Paul shares with us the promise :,

              ‘’And we know that all things work together for the good to them 
               Who love God  , to them called according to His purpose ‘’
               Romans 8:28 

There are no so and so if or when exclusions telling us who or where our neighbors will be  or what condition they  might be in . Just the authoritative commands directly from God that give us the freedom of authority  .

God sent His only son , Jesus , who when He had to leave sent a helper , The Holy Ghost . To give to us the ability to face any and all things , and possess all of His powers . Of the many gifts that He gives us fear and worry are not included , they are not spirits of God and we can change nothing by choosing to posses either one . However we can lose our peace that will guide us through any danger that life presents us with .

He gave us many verses that would help us , for He and His Father are not willing that any should perish . In the few years that He was here He faced and experienced ALL of same conditions that we have and will face . Before He left He gave to us these verses and many more like it to help us find our way to His home in Heaven . While here , like us now and in the foreseeable future He faced and endured seasons of no cash , food or even a place to lay His head . He faced the same conditions we did and do , but gave us the authority to be victorious in adversity .

           ‘’Take us the foxes , the little foxes that spoil the vines : 
              for our vines have tender grapes’’
                SOLOMON 2:15

         ‘’They say unto Him . Caesar’s . Then saith He unto them , render 
            therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesers ; and unto
            God the things that are Gods ‘’
             MATTHEW 22:21

All that you have that belongs to God is your soul , anything else is Caeser’s , and where he’s going you don’t want to .

           ‘’And Jesus saith unto him , Foxes have holes and  the birds
             of the air have nests , but the Son of man hath not a place
             where to lay His head ‘’
             MATTHEW 8:20

 The sun comes up in the East and sets in the West , but can any day ever begin or end without authority? 
By nature we as humans seek authority ,  imposters [disguised as public servants ]   to the one who gave  us authority to begin with . The ability and authority to freely choose righteousness  , and by obedience to Him the proper methodology  and garments to deflect the daily assaults against our very souls  . Yet souls perish everyday , foolishly lacking the knowledge that they already posses the authority that they in vain diligently pursue  , but sadly fail to find anything they can faithfully be allegiant to or believe .Given to them equally as anyone , by the eternally loving Father of us all , that created them , wanting them to prosper and glorify Him .

               ‘’My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge because thou        
                  has rejected knowledge , I also will reject thee , that thou shalt
                  be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy 
                  God , I will also forget thy children’’
                  HOSEA 4:6

The above instructions and , plainly explicit dialogue , assures us that each day will begin and end by our and His authority . Best , is that as His proxies we already are given the authority to begin , endure , each and end every day .

No doubt in our daily existence we will endure and need to overcome many frequent attacks by the attacks of principalities in this world . As we of this world , not in it do have the authority to defeat all attacks against us. Depressing ? Not really!, as Paul said to die is Christ , to live is gain . Later in Phillipi , he told us , I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me’’, both profundities that we need to make part of our everyday lives . Nearly one thousand years earlier Isaiah instructed Jerusalem to put on the breastplate of righteousness , helmets of salvation , garments of vengeance , and clad in cloaks of zeal . Man says relegate , God says just do it . Clearly that resonates our domain of authority .

              ‘’For he put on righteousness as a breastplate , and a helmet of 
               salvation upon his head and he put on garments of vengeance for 
               clothing , and was clad with zeal as a cloak ‘’
               ISAIAH 59:17

Paul in Ephesus , espouses this somewhat modified . Recorded by Luke and given to us .

            ‘’Stand therefore having your loins girt about with truth , and having  
               on the breastplate of righteousness’’
              EPHESIANS 6:14

Profound truths enabling us to fend off with Father given Heavenly authority , any and assaults launched against us . That is no promise of a grandiose life , just divine assurance that we have the authority to face any and all offenses and know that we will never be alone nor forsaken .

Something that I can elaborate on , because I am the only expert that I know on me . The disabilities I have now are the result of a stroke that I survived May 21 , 2001 . On that day like the roaring lion that he is , Satan took from me a very healthy body that I took for granted . I plunged into a realm that few enter and fewer ever emerge from . For a long time I languished in grief over my loss , and felt betrayed , and forsaken .What Satan took , God returned as a blessing that does enable me to see life from a very unique perspective . Nearly eight years later  , what took seconds to happen has taken years to overcome .The improvements keep on keepin’ on , proving to me that it does get better, and this entire time I have known that I have  the God ordained authority to daily pursue health and inspire others while I do it .

Jesus in Matthew 22: 39, commands us to ’

             ’’And the second is like unto it , Thou shalt love thy neighbor as 
                thyself ‘’

In Romans , Paul shares with us the promise :,

              ‘’And we know that all things work together for the good to them 
               Who love God  , to them called according to His purpose ‘’
               Romans 8:28 

There are no so and so if or when exclusions telling us who or where our neighbors will be  or what condition they  might be in . Just the authoritative commands directly from God that give us the freedom of authority  .

God sent His only son , Jesus , who when He had to leave sent a helper , The Holy Ghost . To give to us the ability to face any and all things , and posess all of His powers . Of the many gifts that He gives us fear and worry are not included , they are not spirits of God and we can change nothing by choosing to posses either one . However we can lose our peace that will guide us through any danger that life presents us with .

He gave us many verses that would help us , for He and His Father are not willing that any should perish . In the few years that He was here He faced and experienced ALL of same condition that we have and will face . Before He left He gave to us these verses and many more like it to help us find our way to His home in Heaven . While here , like us now and in the foreseeable future He faced and endured seasons of no cash , food or even a place to lay His head . He faced the same conditions we did and do , but gave us the authority to be victorious in adversity .

           ‘’Take us the foxes , the little foxes that spoil the vines : 
              for our vines have tender grapes’’
                SOLOMON 2:15

         ‘’They say unto Him . Caesar’s . Then saith He unto them , render 
            therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesers ; and unto
            God the things that are Gods ‘’
             MATTHEW 22:21

All that you have that belongs to God is your soul , anything else is Caeser’s , and where he’s going you don’t want to .

           ‘’And Jesus saith unto him , Foxes have holes and  the birds
             of the air have nests , but the Son of man hath not a place
             where to lay His head ‘’
             MATTHEW 8:20

Saturday, May 30, 2009


On May 21 , 2001 , my life changed drastically , changed forever in a way that we humanly never anticipate and are unprepared for . That day I survived a stroke , in which I died three times , Over the next several months and nearly subsequent six years , long stays in several hospitals and nursing homes in two different states  , my been there, done that experience taught me how very valuable dignity is .

All establishments  had one thing in common  , they claim their existence is to preserve dignity , when the reality that’s your first loss . 
A once vibrant , thriving , giving being  , maybe not yet elderly ,  is suddenly separated from  , possibly forever  their legacy building dignity , reduced to a mere display item that provides employment for many who seldom care , and  a Dr. who can usually do a human body well if t hey have enough caring compassion to stay away from it . As man would have establishments need to be preserved , ego’s need to be stroked , unjust incomes are pursued [insurance companies willfully pay] and all at the loss of dignity these sage’s . What they know is they best look and behave their best on the rare occasions that they are required to be a display . After all they now represent the institution housing them , so they are told .

    Job 16:6 ’’ Though I speak , my grief is not assuaged: and though I forbear                                           
                    what am I eased ?’’

   Job 32:9  ‘’Great men are not always wise: neither do  the aged
                    understand judgement’’

   Luke 9:25  ‘’For what is a man advantaged , if he gain the whole
                       world , and lose himself , or be cast away?’’

   Titus 2:2 ’’That the aged man be sober , grave , temperate , sound  
                    in faith , in charity in patience .’’

   Titus 2:3 ‘’The aged woman likewise that they be in behavior as 
                     becometh holiness , not false accusers , not given to 
                      much wine ,  teachers of good things;’’

      Revelation 16:16  ‘’And he gathered them together into a place                                             
                                    called in the Hebrew tongue Armageddon .’’

We all need Dignity, it is a gift from God . We can’t take it  with us , but our legacy stays here . Without dignity we have no foundation to build our legacy on .
 God saves souls , the most precious gift of enduring compassion  that we can give another human is dignity . 
It doesn’t pass with them , but remains with us , preciously enriching our lives for generations . Truly a great return for a small investment .

In summary by perceived compassion you deny whoever their final ultimate victory for a few years . But in reality it’s you and subsequent innocent generations that you deny the life enrichment of a legacy .

Have true compassion , recognize that Gods way is the most excellent way , and give whoever their dignity whenever you can .

Your Brother in Christ

 Russell Emerson

Wednesday, May 20, 2009


Using an array of highly unsavory characters  , Capital One often asked the question ''What's in your wallet'' right away revealing where their heart interest in you . was  ,or is . 
When ther's trouble , and at the least of moments , while you despair what your needs , familiar and otherwise , they DEMAND the impossible of you PAY IN FULL plus interest and penalties .

In Luke 12:34 ,  Jesus imparted the wisdom to us and His disciples , that reveals how very unsavory these characters are and the same wisdom that we all need as we enter this very uncertain season .

''For where your treasure is , there your heart will be also '' Luke 12 : 34

Perhaps Capital One can take solace in knowing that they never were in my wallet , where I did carry it , is a place of infamy  . 

There was a time in my life that I belived that I was beyond Solomons wisdom . Wisdom he imparts to us in Proverbs 22:7 , that proved true then and is truer 10 years later . That is in the past and I have been forgiven , but the shadows that linger make that reality haunting .  Although I learned much the hard way , I do  pray that my past anguish does not become your present or future ,

''The rich ruleth over the poor , and the borrower is servant to the lender'' Pro 22:7 

100% true then , now ,  and forever . I cannot boast of a grandiose life at present by the standards of the times , but I sleep very peacefully everynight , and Capital One or whoever seems to be in the news daily , the news is not good either . They really need to get a job !

Centuries before Manahem had similar dismal encounters with Assyria .

''And Manahem exacted the money of Israel , of all the mighty men of wealth , of each man fifty shekels of silver , to give to the king of Assyria . So the king of Assyria turned back and stayed not  ''
2 Ki 15:30 

Blood money existed then and is alive and well in 2009 .

The choice that we have that takes away our freedoms , and our ability to prosper . submits us to serfdom  , ruins our homes and families is whether or not to sucumb to the temptations of life , or forego them and save our souls for life eternal .

Turn your faith properly and the choice becomes easy and obvious . In the final chapter,, Revelations 3;10 ,  the end of life as we no it , Jesus reminds us that rewards await for those who were patient and did not sucumb to temptation .

'' Because thou has kept thy word of my patience , I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation , which shall come upon all the world , to try them that dwell upon the earth.''
Rev. 3:10 

The choice is ours to make .

I can only fairly  end this by asking the same question I began with ,
''Whos in your heart ?''

Have a Godly forever !!

Your Brother in Christ ,
Russell Emerson

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Story Contest Update: New Deadline & An Interesting Twist

Hi everyone,

I have decided to further extend the deadline from Friday, May 29, 2009 12:00 (midnight) EST (US) to Saturday, August 15, 2009. The winner will be announced on Saturday, August 29, 2009 on this blog.

I have decided to extend the deadline until Saturday, August 15, 2009 to allow for as many people as possible to get in on this contest. This contest now has an interesting twist, which should cause a stir among the readers of this blog.

The twist: Well, before I get to the twist, I should probably recap the original outline of the contest for those of you not familiar with it.

To recap (the original outline): I had opened a story continuation contest. The story is one of my christian fiction entitled "The Wealthy Atheist". So far 3 Chapters have been posted. I am looking for Chapter 4.

The lucky winner will become an author on my blog PLUS they will receive $1 (the cash may go up) to their paypal account (must have paypal account in order to receive payment).

In order to qualify to win you MUST continue the story (Chapter 4) on the site. Only continuations (Chapter 4) posted on the site will qualify for the prize (of authorship on my blog AND cash).

Now for the twist: You are allowed to continue ANY of the stories found here. In addition, you can go as many chapters on ANY of these stories as you like. Why? Because the more stories you continue, and the more chapters of ANY story you continue, the more cash (that's right I said more cash) you are eligible to receive. I think this bares repeating. The more stories you continue, the more cash you are eligible to receive. The more chapters of ANY story you continue, the more cash you are eligible to receive. The only condition that remains the same from the original outline is that it MUST be continued (each story you choose to continue for as many chapters you choose to continue) MUST be posted on the site (and of course I must be able to find it).

Let me clarify what I just said with a couple examples.

Example # 1: Currently there are 4 distinct stories on (The Wealthy Atheist - Chapters 1, 2 & 3; Her First Nightmare; Heavenly Minded; Teenage Drama). You decide you will continue 3 of these 4 stories. If you decide to continue each story 1 chapter each, that's 1 x 3 = 3 times the cash (which is 3 x $1 = $3) you're eligible to receive if you are chosen the winner (from among your 3 entries).

Example # 2: Of the 4 stories currently there, you decide to just continue 1 of them. You decide that you'll write (oh let's say) 5 chapters. That's 1 x 5 = 5 times the cash (which is 5 x $1 = $5) you're eligible to receive if you are chosen the winner (from among your 5 entries).

Are you beginning to see the possibilities here? The possible cash you could receive is completely based on how many entries you decide on.

If you are confused then please feel free to drop me a note (for clarification purposes) to and I'll do my best to get back to you within 48 hours of receiving your note.

Looking forward to reading quite a few entries.

God bless..


Thursday, May 14, 2009


The question was ,  Where does childhood end and adulthood begin?
When I was about 45 I was asked that question . For me the answer was simple .You've probably asked the wrong person ,  I don't know if childhood ever ends , my life has been adventure after adventure . If we all are God's children and  indeed childlike , from my vantage , that'e the way it should be . 
 Since the adventures continue to this day ,  at nearly 55 , there are no straight lines that make up my life  and all the roads have bends  ,  in a wheelchair [one of the  adventures that I have been blessed to have ] the adventures keep comung THANK GOD!  My intimacy with God and my continuos  focus on Him and Heaven , make this long strange trip an adventure of lifelong duration , with honor .
I consider this privilege of being able to  share this an adventure , and the privilege of writing this another adventure . 2 adventures sharing one question . Not only adventures but a legacy .
Nothing stops me from giving and for that I 
 THANK YOU GOD !!! what joy .

We never know what our blessing will be , we can only accept it , and make the best of it and know that is a blessing for the unique person that God created us to be , share it willfully and encourage evryone to be the best they can be as they build and share their blessing . Food maybe the only medicine we put in our bodies everyday , but God is the only medicine that we can open our hearts , minds , and spirits to and have a lifetime of blessed everydays .

Have a Godly everyday !
Your Brother in Christ ,
Russell Emerson

Spring Renewal

For many of us the spring season signifies a time of de-cluttering, getting rid of the junk we do not need any more, having yard sales, and deep cleaning the house. We also freshen up our flowerbeds and yards by pulling out or killing off the weeds, planting new flowers and watering it to stimulate new growth and vibrant color. This spring, why not do all of these things (figuratively) within yourself as well?

I encourage you to take some alone time to get inside yourself to sort out some of those thoughts and feelings you are carrying around inside you that are taking up precious space. The things I am referring to are old wounds, doubts, and self-defeating thoughts that are restricting your positive flow of energy and preventing creativity. Here’s a small exercise to help with this: Just like preparing for a yard sale, go through all you ‘stuff’ and separate it all by writing it down in two columns – one is the Keep column and the other is the Release column . Now, take that piece of paper and cut it down the middle vertically so the columns are separate. In a yard sale, you would try to sell your old stuff. Haven’t we been doing that with the stuff on this list for many years anyway, through blame and pity? Haven’t we been trying for years to sell other people on why we are the way we are and deriving our sales pitch content from this Release list? The Release list is the foundation for far too many people. In this case, we don’t want to sell this stuff, we want to haul it off to the dump where it will mingle with everyone else’s unwanted junk and eventually rot away. So, take your Release list, wad it up, shred it, burn it… whatever your preferred method of disposal is, and get rid of it - for good!

Now that you have made room, it is time to freshen up your mind and spirit and plant some new colorful thoughts, dreams and goals. Again, taking out a piece of paper, write down a list of the three main areas of your life in which you want to focus positive energy. For example, this may be family, friends, spirituality, or career or whatever else pops into your mind and heart. This list will be the things in your life you will tend to and focus on so that they will grow and flourish. You will need to care for these things just as you would tend to a garden. It may be important from time to time to weed out the negative things or people in your life so that they do not choke off and kill of your dreams and desires. You will need to nurture your dreams by surrounding yourself with positive people and input. Associate with people who are happy and have a healthy optimistic outlook on life. Read books and listen to speakers who motivate and encourage you to be your best self. The more you fill your mind with positive and uplifting self-talk and thinking, the less opportunity all those old things from your Release list will have to resurface. Just like a garden, if you let it go and do not maintain it, the weeds will come back, the flowers will die and you will have to work extra hard to get it back in shape again. Take stock regularly of the amount of clutter you have accumulated and the vitality of your garden. If you picked up new junk, let it go before it adds up. If the flowers in your garden are losing color, add a little positive input into your life.

As your garden flourishes there will be a point in which you can pick from it and give others in your life beautiful and fragrant bouquets of flowers by becoming one of those people others gravitate to because you make them feel good. You will become that positive and uplifting person you were looking to be around yourself. You may also be able to help others simplify and de-clutter their life and begin to tend to their own flower beds of happiness. It is in giving that you achieve prize-winning flowers.

Saturday, May 9, 2009


There is a powerful force used to paralyze you , rule you , help you make the wrong decision , ruin your health physically and mentally , and you disable what renders this force shielding . That force is FEAR [false evidence appearing real] .

Fear  is alive and thriving . We let it into our lives in subtle ways , but like every cancer it grows , reaching the paralytic magnitudes the purveyors of this grandiose propaganda desire and relieves most of us of the innocent legitimate earnings that we need in our daily lives . The success of these purveyors depends on your willingness to perish . 

Recent examples hoaxes all are  , the Swine Flu , Global Warming , the econocic crisis , and you name it ,  political manipulation practiced daily at you expense . 
Yes your expense .

The Swine Flu , fact more people will die from a erradicated disease [tuberculosis] this year than from the Swine Flu in 2009 . During the 10-14 days of media permeating hysteria that propagandized societies globally sales of over the counter flu remedies increased over 25% , success . Governments world wide including the World HealthOrganization , mtoobilized their massive stockpiles ,[ known to include megadoses of harmful chemicals] to government health agencies in preparation for their hysteria . It only makes sense that several hours travel in sealed air sytems , breathing the same air as sick people disease [dis ease] would spread and become rabid . Ah , the vacine some fool wil buy it .

Al Gore has won a Nobel Peace Prize , and gleaned millions of dollars from the hoax , but the fact is there is no global warming in fact the Earth is about a degree cooler than five years ago . When Ronald Regan was president the crisis was Global Cooling . George H.W.Bush and Clinton it was the Ozone hole . George W. Bush it was 9/11 and Global Warming . Now it's Carboxn Dioxide and Global Warming  fact is there is no signficant  increase  of atmosphereic CO2 . CO2 is one of the most beneficial of all gases . Plants need it to survive . 0h yeah go green . The California wildfires are being fueled by the underbrush that Clinton banned controlled burning of . What was burned at regular intervals is now allowed to grow and burn out of control , demolishing homes or whatever is in it's path of destuction  . Remember the homes that couldn't be paid for and the insurance scams . Ouch!
Just another distraction while politicians relieve you of hard , honest earned dollars .  
The global eeconomic crisis [everythings a crisis ] was preengineerd there just is no way that anyone can buy houses , cars , and goods they can't afford . The artificial Boom is over and reality is taking hold .
The global food shortage that is already severe and worsening , the media never publicizes .The only cure for no food is food . Mouatainhouse Foods that supplies the U.S government with food supplies is sold of number 10 cans through 2o10 and has been since September 2008 . What do they know that they aren't telling
The U.S. governments last major engineered failure was  the Dust Bowl , but that will be a minor compared to the impending one .

By sucumbing to fear tactics , and putting faiath in man and his deceptive ways instead of God who created you , you have allowed fear to influenc your choices and or decisions . 

Fear is not a spirit of God , my advice confess and repent!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009


How Do You Measure Freedom?

  There are many ways to measure freedom ,  most are established by man . These measures fall into a plethora of the various segments of freedom , ranging from hunger , political tryrancy , to being financially free , etc... . While all are applausible , justifiably so , and all require self discipline  to attain ''wanna be'', the only true all encompassing  freedom remains freedom of spirit . 
While all are liberating they are measures man has created to measure social status . A free spirit to is liberating , differing in being a heart thing  , the only freedom containing that character .
 A free spirit can only exist in the realm  of eternal abundance . Today it may be food , clothing , monetary , political etc... whatever God calls for or leads to , if it be that you are willing to answer the call to serve God will provide what's needed . You may not by  by social measure be regarded as free , but in you heart will forever be a free spirit derived from the satiisfaction of  knowing that you made life a nicer place to be , and that you can give again and still have 100% left to give again , any other freedom is depletable .  There is no one that can take it from you , and spirit is all that we can take to Heaven . 
I know that I'm going there , are you?

    ''Life is never about what you can't do , it's always about what you can and finding a way to do it that matters''

Your Brother in Christ ,
Russell Emerson

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Why Do You Coach?

The question asked me , was why do you coach?

At that time , I was a first base coach in Little League Baseball .
My answer was that when little man , looks into your eyes and in his meager little man voice calls you coach , or when he hugs you with a face full of tears and proclaims they're because he's happy  , at that second of splendor you have the satisfaction of knowing that you've helped make their lives a nicer place to be !
All that's left to do is THANK GOD for the blessing , who He delivered it through , and for blessing you in that way .

The score never matter  , or whether it was a win or loss . Theres precious little that last throughout life , memories , it matters not at what part of life they occur , or whether they are  good or bad , they endure that span . We choose whether they are good or bad !

The truest joy that we all crave , comes from giving , the getting then comes randomly throughout life and is much greater in proportion than the giving ever was . God planned it that wat!

                      ''Success come in can's , failure comes in can't's''

Your Brother in Christ ,

Russell Emerson 

Monday, April 27, 2009

Story Continuation Contest Update...

Hi everyone,

Due to requests made, I'm extending the deadline from Thursday, April 30, 2009 12:00(midnight) EST (US) to Friday, May 29, 2009 12:00 (midnight) EST (US). The winner will be announced on Sunday, May 31, 2009 on this blog.

To recap: I am having a story continuation contest. The story is one of my christian fiction entitled "The Wealthy Atheist". So far 3 Chapters have been posted. I am looking for Chapter 4.

The lucky winner will become an author on my blog PLUS they will receive $1 (the cash may go up) to their paypal account (must have paypal account in order to receive payment).

In order to qualify to win you MUST continue the story (Chapter 4) on the site. Only continuations (Chapter 4) posted on the site will qualify for the prize (of authorship on my blog AND cash).

Looking forward to reading quite a few Chapter 4 entries.

God bless..


Saturday, April 25, 2009

5 Days Left....

Hi all,

For those of you taking the time to read this blog, first of all thank you for your time. Secondly, you should be familiar with the story contest that I've been having. For those of you who have just heard about it, here's a recap.

I am having a story continuation contest. The story is one of my christian fiction entitled "The Wealthy Atheist". So far 3 Chapters have been posted. I am looking for Chapter 4.

The lucky winner will become an author on my blog PLUS they will receive $1 (the cash may go up) to their paypal account (must have paypal account in order to receive payment).

In order to qualify to win you MUST continue the story (Chapter 4) on the site. Only continuations (Chapter 4) posted on the site will qualify for the prize (of authorship on my blog AND cash).

The deadline is Thursday, April 30, 2009 12:00(midnight) EST (US) - just a few days away. The winner will be announced on Saturday, May 2, 2009 on this blog.

Good luck everyone. God bless...


ps. If you'd like me to extend the deadline just leave a comment below on this blog and I'll extend the deadline.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Russell Emerson on Success

Hi everybody,

Recently I had a Q & A session with Mike Spillman (Future You University) and posted the result of that Q & A session here on this blog. I can't thank Mike enough for that session. He reminded me about why we're here on this earth.

In addition to Mike Spillman, I had a similar Q & A session with Russell Emerson. Russ Emerson is currently disabled from a stroke he survived in 2001. He describes himself as abled not disabled. As such he is self employed with no current income except SSI/DSI. In his words, "I refuse to let anyone tell me what I CAN'T do, I don't know that and have no interest in remaining in THEIR small, Godless world, nor am I interested in failing to complete the journey that God specifically chose for me or influence/inspire/encourage those that He has caused or gives me the blessed opportunity to do so. Not just anyone gets to be where I have been or emerge alive from it".

There's so much more to Russ. Feel free to visit his profile on and add him as a friend. He'll happily share his world with you.

When I had the Q & A with Russ on the topic of "success", this is what he had to say:

Actually, a friend asked me once when I was about 35: How do you know that your life has been successful? My answer I believed then and 20 years later I do still. My answer then was if those who throw the dirt on you at your Victory Ceremony, can honestly say that ''He cared enough to make a difference'', then your life has been a success.

Around the same time, another friend, a Stone Cutter, making $25 per hour, asked me, a Dairy Farmer, why I did what I did? I told him the answer is simple. Everyday I produce a nutritious, consumable product and have the satisfaction of knowing that, you got $25 per hour.

I don't honestly have anything that I'm unwilling to do, except something that I know to be wrong and would not glorify God. If I did I would be outside of God's will for me.

I really do believe that long term goals should be what the short term goals were just geometrically multiplied. If the change you did, and there is no beginning or end, the consistency of God. If He never changes, can we and still be like Him or did someone or something else.

Mid-Term goals can be likened to a refreshment stop in a race that allows us to finish strong, ''run the good race , fight the good fight'' where or when Mid-Term arrives is impossible to say. If we just keep on keepin' on and the whole end [Long-Term goal] becomes geometrically multiplied, Mid-Term would impose limitations on the Long-Term goal .

Russell Emerson

As you can tell, he's very optimistic. I encourage you to get to know him better.

Stay tuned for more Q & A sessions.

God bless...


Tuesday, April 21, 2009

MJ Enterprises Bz Blog

Hello everyone,

In keeping with my mission to help others get what they want out of life, I've started MJ Enterprises Bz.

The mission of MJ Enterprises Bz is to help encourage people to pursue their dreams and get the most out of their life.

From time to time I'll be posting about a business opportunity or such which I think would help you out financially. Mostly, the posts will be encouraging, uplifting, inspirational, motivational.

If there's anything you'd like to know about me or you just want to say hi and maybe introduce yourself to me, feel free to email me: OR

Looking forward to get to meet you soon.

God bless...

Miss J (aka MJ)

Monday, April 20, 2009

New Blog for Christians In Business (CIB) Group

Hey everyone,

I decided to start a blog for the Christians In Business (CIB) group. I originally started the group in and have recently started it on some other online communities. (Please refer to the sidebar on the right for the CIB group list).

As I start the group on other communities, or update the group on these (or other communities) or I come across similar groups to CIB, I'll post the updates on the CIB blog.

If there's anything you'd like to know about me (or the CIB group) or you just want to say hi and maybe introduce yourself to me, feel free to email me: OR

Looking forward to get to meet you soon.

God bless...


Sunday, April 19, 2009

The Mind STUCK in MUCK

What was your mind made to do? By "mind" I'm talking about our brains.

Go back in time and think about how much you learned early on in your life. Just in the first few years of life we likely learned more than we have in all of our years since then combined!

It's been proven that children have the ability to learn just anything and everything when they are young. Jim Rohn ( talks about a discussion he had with a friend of his that spoke several languages. This discussion caused him to ponder to his friend, "I wonder how many languages a child can learn?" To which his friend replied, "All of them!" His friend went on to say that the major problem was the lack of those to TEACH these languages to children. So, if the child has a teacher, it is possible for a child to learn far more than we can imagine!

What happened?

Has our minds - yours and mine - become STUCK in the MUCK?

Have they become "bogged down" in apathy? "I'm not going to learn anything I don't have to! I did enough of that in school!" is an attitude that I have actually heard expressed. Now, I understand someone right out of high school and even college saying that out of "relief" of graduating - but shouldn't that thought change after a while?
Should we not CRAVE more knowledge?

How many people (perhaps you) have a job that does not challenge them in any way? How many people go through their workday with mind-numbing activities that do nothing to stimulate your mind or challenge you to think and consider new/better ways in which to do things?

I CHALLENGE ALL OF US to take this seriously! Even if you feel that you cannot do anything about your situation at work (I think we can, but that's for another discussion) then it is even more important for us to find ways to stimulate our minds when we are away from work.

The problem is this: because we have been bored all day we actually feel more worn out than if we had been busy all day! Boredom has a way of completely sucking the life right out of us! So, the very need to do SOMETHING to stimulate our minds often goes unheeded simply due to our "mind-numbing" activities actually numbing our mind!

What will YOU do? What are things that YOU (and I) can do TODAY to stimulate the mind?

HERE'S THE KICKER! If we would do this we might be surprised to find out that we also have the ability to do something about our position at our workplace! Think about it.

Writing (like for MJ's author blog here) is an EXCELLENT way to stimulate the mind. Whatever it is - DISCOVER IT and DO IT!

And, by the way, PLEASE - if you have young children at home - start NOW in helping them THINK and EXPLORE using their mind.

Our future depends upon it!

"Make it an AWESOME Day! (Who else is going to do it for you?)"

Mike Spillman

Friday, April 17, 2009

Be An Author on this blog for FREE

Hi everyone,

I'm running a special promotion right now.

Be an author on this blog for FREE. Here's how:

Join Christians In Business (CIB) group on the following communities (including on

Send me a pm (containing your email address so I can add you as an author on this blog) in any of the communities letting me know you've joined CIB group on ALL the communities (give me time to verify).

And bingo, I'll add you as an author to this blog.

The World Needs More Happy:
Spiritual Entrepreneur Community/Network:

This offer is only good to the first 100 members to join CIB on these communities.

God bless...


Thursday, April 16, 2009

Q & A with Mike Spillman from Future You University

Hi everyone,

Recently I was chatting with my friend Mike Spillman from Future You University and he pitched an idea of having a Q & A session with him. I am always hungry for great information especially from people like Mike, so I took him up on his offer. Here's the result:

Questions and Answers with Mike Spillman (an interview done by RJ Charley from Belize on 4.16.2009)

1) What is your idea/your definition of success?

When I think of "success" I actually think of two different categories. For one, I think of a general, "over-all" idea/definition which I will discuss first. As many will tell you, success is not all about wealth. Overall, I would suggest that success is a sense of fulfillment in one's life. What do I mean? Well, for me - things I take into consideration are such things as my family. I am the father of three sons, two of which are married and the youngest will be a Senior in High School next year. So, as I now observe these young men I get to watch and feel "fulfillment" in knowing that I planted seed in their lives for this very moment. I find fulfillment (success) in knowing that I did indeed spend quality time (and quantity as well) with my sons and that I shared love, laughter and music with them as they grew. Did I do everything perfectly? Of course not - but I feel a contentment and fulfillment knowing that I did the best for them that I could. I also consider my relationship with my wife. We will have been married for 28 years in about another month. By no means have I been perfect in this marriage. However, there has been a commitment and devotion that has made it last. The Bible asks the question, "What does it profit a man if he gains the whole world and loses his own soul?" I also attach to that thought of "soul" , family. I do not consider one successful if he has lost family in his/her quest for "success.

Now, on to the other category which I would consider financial. Again, for others this can mean many different things. Yet, when I think of financial success I consider it this way: for me to have achieved a financial level that allows me to give away a minimum of 50% of my income to charities, youth organizations, etc. AND to be able to know that my family's financial future has also been taken care of (retirement, etc.). Then to live peaceably, joyfully and content with what is "left". To enjoy my life without worry and still know that I am helping others. What's the dollar amount on that? For me, it's likely less than one would think. Think about this - after you have shared what you have been blessed with and taken care of your family and your much do you need? My only desire in increasing wealth once these things are achieved is the ability to give even more to these charities and youth organizations. Simply put, in both "categories" my definition of success would be using and sharing what God has blessed you with!

2) What are you willing to do to be a success?
3) What are you NOT willing to do to be a success?

I'm going to combine these two questions into one. My answer to this question is a little different than it would have been a few years ago - and yet it remains the same! Confused? Let me explain. In my answer about "success" I talked about my family and my sons. I have never been willing to give up that "quantity and quality" time with my sons. Never. I understand what some people say about "quality" vs. "quantity" but I honestly believe that you cannot have one without the other. My #1 job was to be a good father to my sons, so I was not willing to spend large amounts of time away from them or to become too busy for them.

The same is true today, but in a different way. Our dynamic has changed at home, however I still am firm in my resolve to put family first. Now, that doesn't mean the same as it did several years ago due to this changing dynamic. I now have more time to devote to my dreams and goals, yet I will not do so to the detriment of my relationship with my wife or son(s). This is an EXCITING time in my life! My time has been "opened up" due to the ages of my sons, and I am very excited to be pushing ahead with these dreams and goals.

I HOPE that I am willing to have a determination that will never give up in this pursuit! I hope that I am willing to teach others along the way and to help them in their pursuits. I HOPE that I will always be an example of character and honesty along the way. I am committed to that. So, in saying that, I am NOT willing to pursue this success "at all costs". As you read in my definition of success, for me it is more than a dollar amount.

Bottom line, the biggest thing (in my opinion) that we must ALL be willing to do to be a success is to step out in the face of fear and make that move!

4) What are some of your short term goals?

My short term goals probably are focused around my seminars that I will begin this summer. This is a big step for me! Am I a little afraid? Yes. It's that whole "fear of the unknown" that we must all battle. More specifically, my short term goals are for my seminars to get off to a great start this summer and to have attendance at each one of at least 200 people and also for my podcasts to continue to be received well.

5) What are some of your mid-term goals?

My mid-term goals (I look at the next 3 - 5 years) would be the expansion of all that I am currently doing. I plan for my podcasts to be well-known by many and to be a top-ranked podcasts at iTunes. I also plan to be involved in my own radio program with these same ideas and thoughts. My goal is for my seminars to continue to draw those wanting and willing to grow in the area of positive thinking and personal development and to also begin to focus on programs for teens. I have a MAJOR plan/goal to happen within three years that I cannot share with you here at this time.'s a secret. But you'll hear about it, I promise!

6) What are some of your long term goals?

I love Jim Rohn. I love his personality and his approach. I love the way that he has achieved respect from so many for what he has shared with hundreds of thousands of people. He has left such a powerful legacy in his work and in his life!

My long term goals would be for this whole path that I'm taking to continue to expand and grow beyond my wildest dreams - areas that I cannot even begin to imagine at this point and for me to be willing to allow these things to happen. My long term goal is for the name, Mike Spillman, to create thoughts of "honor, integrity, honestly, quality, compassion" - and to leave this earth with such a legacy. A legacy of sharing what God has blessed me with and passing it on to others.

7) What are you willing to do to achieve those goals?
8) What are you NOT willing to do to achieve those goals?

My answer to these two would not be any different to #'s 2 and 3. I am not willing to lessen my integrity, etc. in order to reach any goal. It's just not worth it and it will bring failure sooner or later.

9) What are your values/beliefs?

I try to follow the example that Jesus left for us to focus on "serving others" rather than "being served". What a powerful thought! What a powerful way to live! By doing so, my focus is then on doing the best I can to make sure that anyone and everyone that has ANYTHING to do with me or my program(s) always receives more than they bargained for. My goal and focus because of this example is to not worry so much about "am I getting what I'm worth" as much as "are they getting MORE than they paid for?".

I believe that each of us has something great within us. As the old saying goes, "God doesn't make junk!" Oh, the world will do all it can (the negativity) to dump on us and make us feel worthless. And the world is full of people that are in this arena of "worthlessness" in their eyes --- but I believe differently! Due to that, I hope to help others rise above this negative influence so that they may live to their full, glorious potential.

10) What advice would you give to someone wanting to make it as an entrepreneur, whether online or offline?

In a recent podcast that I did ("Making the Move - Part 3" ...go to to reach my podcast link as well as my blog on these things) I discuss some very specific questions that people should ask themselves when considering stepping out and "making their move". I would direct you to that and ask that you write them down and take the time to answer each one of them. Here's the thing I want to emphasize - "making your move" can mean a lot of different things! Perhaps for you, it is deciding to get your G.E.D. or to go back to college and get your degree. That is a BIG step and many people never make these moves due to the fear that we have already discussed. Ask yourself this question - WHAT IS YOUR DREAM WORTH? Actually, a lot of the questions you have asked me would be questions I would suggest that anyone seeking to improve their life in any way ask themselves.

Another bit of advice I would give is this - NEVER GIVE UP! You see, if your "dream" has "worth/value" (again, you must determine its worth) then you should never give up on it. How long is too long? Too many people give up at the first signs of trouble or adversity. When I see this I assume that the dream must not have been worth much to start with.

And, finally, I'd give this advice - follow your heart! What do I mean by that? If the "dream" is not YOUR dream -you likely will not have the determination to follow through. If it is not something that you feel passionate about - you likely will give up. Why? Because the "worth/value" is not there! For example, at one time in my life, I sold vacuum cleaners door to door. Really - I'm telling the truth! I HATED it! However, due to some success I had early on I had been promoted to manager of the local branch. (Actually, I figured out later, no one else would take it!). Anyway, one day one of the "biggies" that was over our area was visiting with me and getting all excited about this vacuum cleaner and how to use this approach and that approach when he stopped in the middle of his sentence, looked at the blank look on my face and said, "You're really not into this at all, are you?" I honestly answered back, "No sir, I'm really not." Needless to say, that was the end of my vacuum cleaner days. THANK YOU!

Take the time necessary (what if it takes years?) to find your passion. Be patient. It will come! And, when it does, you should then have the passion necessary (the "worth/value") to follow it through.

11) Anything else you'd like to share?

I simply want to thank you for this opportunity to share my thoughts. I also simply encourage others to do all they can to serve the people around you. Make an impact on YOUR world - your community, you home, your friends and family. Start there and great things will happen. I believe that and I want to encourage you to do the same. Please feel free to contact me via the website I listed above - I'd love to hear from any of you. Now, I cannot end this without saying the following......."Make it an AWESOME Day! (Who else is going to do it for you?)"

At this point I thanked him for his time and answered him as to some people I'd like to have participate. Among them are Jay Peroni (, Dan Miller (, Angie Strader ( and JB Glossinger (, just to name a few. To see what they, and others, have to say, stay tuned.

Until then, God bless...


Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Story Continuation Contest Still On: The Wealthy Atheist Chapter 4

Hi folks,

There is still time to be an author on my blog for FREE AND make a little money in the process.

To recap I am having a story continuation contest. The story is one of my christian fiction entitled "The Wealthy Atheist". So far 3 Chapters have been posted. I am looking for Chapter 4.

The lucky winner will become an author on my blog PLUS they will receive $1 (the cash may go up) to their paypal account (must have paypal account in order to receive payment).

In order to qualify to win you MUST continue the story (Chapter 4) on the site. Only continuations (Chapter 4) posted on the site will qualify for the prize (of authorship on my blog AND cash).

The deadline is Thursday, April 30, 2009 12:00(midnight) EST (US) - just a few days away. The winner will be announced on Saturday, May 2, 2009 on this blog.

Good luck everyone. God bless...


Sunday, April 12, 2009

The Real Meaning of Easter

Happy Easter everyone,

Millions of Christians (Christ-followers) around the world are celebrating Easter today. For Christians Easter is not about the easter bunny or easter eggs or any such tradition. Instead it's about the risen Savior: the death, burial and resurrection of the Son of the Living God, Jesus Christ.

The Message Bible puts it the following way:

Luke 24

Looking for the Living One in a Cemetery

1-3 At the crack of dawn on Sunday, the women came to the tomb carrying the burial spices they had prepared. They found the entrance stone rolled back from the tomb, so they walked in. But once inside, they couldn't find the body of the Master Jesus.

4-8 They were puzzled, wondering what to make of this. Then, out of nowhere it seemed, two men, light cascading over them, stood there. The women were awestruck and bowed down in worship. The men said, "Why are you looking for the Living One in a cemetery? He is not here, but raised up. Remember how he told you when you were still back in Galilee that he had to be handed over to sinners, be killed on a cross, and in three days rise up?" Then they remembered Jesus' words.

9-11 They left the tomb and broke the news of all this to the Eleven and the rest. Mary Magdalene, Joanna, Mary the mother of James, and the other women with them kept telling these things to the apostles, but the apostles didn't believe a word of it, thought they were making it all up.

12 But Peter jumped to his feet and ran to the tomb. He stooped to look in and saw a few grave clothes, that's all. He walked away puzzled, shaking his head.

I love the way The Message translation (above) puts it: "Why are you looking for the Living One in a cemetery? He is not here, but raised up. Remember how he told you when you were still back in Galilee that he had to be handed over to sinners, be killed on a cross, and in three days rise up?" Then they remembered Jesus' words.

It's the real message, the real story, behind Easter: the death, burial (and most importantly), the RESURRECTION of Jesus Christ, the Son of the Living God.

The New Living Translation puts it this way:

Luke 24

The Resurrection

1 But very early on Sunday morning the women went to the tomb, taking the spices they had prepared. 2 They found that the stone had been rolled away from the entrance. 3 So they went in, but they didn’t find the body of the Lord Jesus. 4 As they stood there puzzled, two men suddenly appeared to them, clothed in dazzling robes.

5 The women were terrified and bowed with their faces to the ground. Then the men asked, “Why are you looking among the dead for someone who is alive? 6 He isn’t here! He is risen from the dead! Remember what he told you back in Galilee, 7 that the Son of Man must be betrayed into the hands of sinful men and be crucified, and that he would rise again on the third day.”

8 Then they remembered that he had said this. 9 So they rushed back from the tomb to tell his eleven disciples—and everyone else—what had happened. 10 It was Mary Magdalene, Joanna, Mary the mother of James, and several other women who told the apostles what had happened. 11 But the story sounded like nonsense to the men, so they didn’t believe it. 12 However, Peter jumped up and ran to the tomb to look. Stooping, he peered in and saw the empty linen wrappings; then he went home again, wondering what had happened.

The New Living Translation puts it slightly different, but it's the same core message: “Why are you looking among the dead for someone who is alive? 6 He isn’t here! He is risen from the dead! Remember what he told you back in Galilee, 7 that the Son of Man must be betrayed into the hands of sinful men and be crucified, and that he would rise again on the third day.”

It's all about Jesus today, The Risen One, The Living One, The Son of the Living God, The Savior: Jesus Christ!

Praise God!


Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Wealth is...

Hello everyone,

When most people think about the word wealth, they automatically think money and finances and possessions. I can't say I blame anyone who thinks this way as we were all trained to think this way.

As for me I have been retraining myself to think differently. So I'd like to share the following definition of wealth.

(Disclaimer: I did not come up with this definition. It's courtesy the Think Rich Team). Wealth is a balance of physical and mental health, spiritual fulfillment, family happiness, true friendships, love, social kindness, the development of wisdom through knowledge and understanding, and financial prosperity.

As can be seen by this definition, wealth has to do with so much more than just finances. It is financial, social, spiritual, physical, mental, etc. I like this definition because it is not limited. It is actually pretty encompassing.

Do you have another definition of wealth? If so I'd love for you to share.

God bless..


Thursday, April 2, 2009

Thankful Thursday, Despite....

Hey everyone,

Well it's been another Thursday, or as my good friend Mike Spillman (Future You University) has dubbed it "Thankful Thursday". It's a day to be thankful, grateful, looking for, seeing and being appreciative of the positive around you. Is this always possible though?

It may be "Thankful Thursday", a day when you should be thankful (and every day should be like that really), but it's kind of hard to be thankful when your life doesn't quite go the way you'd like it, isn't it? I mean not every day is going to turn out the way you'd like it so what do you do on those days?

I've been confronted with this question lately and my answer is simply: keep being thankful, grateful, positive and appreciative of the positive that surrounds you on a daily basis. I've had to take this advice of mine today (and every day lately). It seems that since my post on Attitude Tune-Up, my attitude's been tested daily. Go figure right?

My point is that despite the apparent tests of my attitude I've still somehow managed to stay pretty positive and upbeat. I'd like to take credit for that but quite frankly it's had little to do with me and a lot to do with my faith.

As you may or may not know, I'm a Christian, or as I like to refer to myself, a Christ-follower. I have to say that it's been my relationship with Christ that has kept me going a lot lately. I do believe that if it hadn't been for Christ (whose death, burial and resurrection the entire church world will be celebrating shortly), I probably wouldn't make it from day to day.

For that alone I'd like to thank Him and I'm so thankful and grateful and appreciative for. It's kind of odd (I think) how He's kept me going, how He's kept reminding me that He loves me. He's done it a lot lately mainly through my little nieces. Being around them, and sometimes just thinking about them, brings such joy to my life and reminds me that despite every thing life brings our way sometimes, I still have a lot to be thankful for.

Of course my little nieces hasn't been the only way He's reminded me of His constant love for me, nor consequently are they the only thing I have to be grateful and thankful for. I am blessed to still have my parents around and kicking. I'm blessed to be able to get up every day virtually pain free, take a deep breath, eat great meals, wear cool clothes (it tends to get pretty hot here in Belize), etc (you get the point).

So this brings me back to my original question: is it possible to be thankful, grateful, looking for, seeing and being appreciative of the positive around you all the time? While it may not be the easiest thing to do ALL the time, it is certainly possible. I mean, you're still breathing aren't you? So that alone should be where you can start. As for me, I pray I always remain thankful, no matter what happens in my life or in the lives of those I care about.

God bless..


Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Goal(s) for April 2009

Hello everyone,

For those of you who are actually reading/following this blog, you may already be familiar with (MC) as I've mentioned it in a few of my posts. Once again I'll be making reference to MC with this post as I'd like to share a few of my goals for April 2009.

I started sharing my goals (monthly goals) with the MC community in March 2009 shortly after I joined the community (in late February 2009). Since then I've been a big fan of having and following through on goals. Prior to that time I had hardly, if ever, set, much less followed through on, any goals in my life. I realize the error of my ways now and strongly urge those of you who do not have goals to start setting and following through on some goals (daily, weekly, monthly, etc). For those of you who are already in the habit of doing this I'd love to be privied to some of your goals if they're not too personal. We can help encourage each other.

So without further ado, here are a few of my goals for April 2009:

1) First and foremost, to KEEP giving God the glory and the honor and the praise daily, not just here in MC but in all my daily activities both online and offline.

2) Secondly, to KEEP praying daily for my family, my friends, world leaders, church leaders, spiritual leaders, business leaders, etc (basically anyone who needs prayers which basically means everyone.)

3) Thirdly, to KEEP writing/posting stories. Over the past few weeks I have dropped off with this goal in particular but I think I can maintain writing/posting at least 1 story (whether christian/non-christian/fanfiction) a week each week.

There are a few more goals that I posted in MC. I just wanted to share a few of my goals for April 2009 with my blog readers/followers. What I try to do is update my progress daily or weekly (pretty much when I have time to, which I factor in to my day as much as I can). I do this on MC so as to keep my MC friends and encouragers informed of my progress. Feel free to visit MC (and sign up if you're not a member yet) and check out the forums for my post: Goal(s) for April 2009.

Well that's all from me for the time being. Can't wait to be privied to some of your goals for this coming month (or week, or year or however you set your goals). I'd love to help keep you encouraged on your path to fulfillment. It would be an honor and a privilige.

God bless...


Friday, March 27, 2009

Attitude Tune Up

Greetings all,

As an excited, faithful member of (MC) I make sure to listen to the podcasts (at least since I've joined late last month). In a recent episode (Episode 566) JB Glossinger (host of the podcast and founder of MC) shared the following from April 2009's Success Magazine (the online version of the following is slightly different):

Daily Guidelines - Attitude Tune Up by Keith Harrell

1) Count your blessings daily and give thanks.
2) Get proper rest and exercise and start eating healthier.
3) Don't let petty things have power over your personal and professional success. Monitor what you read, what you hear and what you say.
4) Set aside some personal time with family and close friends. Reconnect to the loved ones that you have.
5) Help someone less fortunate. It brings out your true spirit.
6) Feed your spirit daily. Read and listen to motivational books and tapes.
7) Reflect on your victories.
8) Watch your words.
9) Create an upbeat positive greeting that builds enthusiasm for you and everyone around you.
10) Develop a clear vision. Lock into your purpose and passion and set goals with deadlines.

I thought I'd share this because I think we all need an attitude tune up from time to time. It's always a good thing to come back to this list (or the one online) from time to time and see how we are progressing. I know I will certainly do that.

God bless..


Thursday, March 26, 2009

A Prosperity Prayer for Our Finances

Hello all,

I'm a member of several online communities, one of which is (a business network). As part of my welcome one of the members sent me A Prosperity Prayer for Our Finances. I would like to share that prayer with my readers and online friends. Feel free to pass it along.

God bless..


Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Entrepreneurs Unite

Hey everyone,

Hope you find the info on this blog helpful, useful in some way. Here's some more great info I came across yesterday while browsing through the ecademy business community.

I connect with entrepreneurs on ecademy and was introduced to the idea of social entrepreneurs and the idea of spiritual entrepreneurs. Are you either? Before you answer look at the definitions below.

Social Entrepreneurs:

Social entrepreneurs are individuals with innovative solutions to society’s most pressing social problems. They are ambitious and persistent, tackling major social issues and offering new ideas for wide-scale change.

Rather than leaving societal needs to the government or business sectors, social entrepreneurs find what is not working and solve the problem by changing the system, spreading the solution, and persuading entire societies to take new leaps.

Social entrepreneurs often seem to be possessed by their ideas, committing their lives to changing the direction of their field. They are both visionaries and ultimate realists, concerned with the practical implementation of their vision above all else.

Each social entrepreneur presents ideas that are user-friendly, understandable, ethical, and engage widespread support in order to maximize the number of local people that will stand up, seize their idea, and implement with it. In other words, every leading social entrepreneur is a mass recruiter of local changemakers—a role model proving that citizens who channel their passion into action can do almost anything.

Over the past two decades, the citizen sector has discovered what the business sector learned long ago: There is nothing as powerful as a new idea in the hands of a first-class entrepreneur.

Spiritual Entrepreneurs:

Spiritual Entrepreneurs recognize some sort of Supreme Power. They base their business on values that mean everything to them. Profit is important but people are even more important. They love what they do and want to use their gifts and talents to bring joy to themselves and others. Making a difference in the world is an important part of their life. Their business is built on high ethics and spiritual principles such as The Law of Attraction. They are concerned about the planet and contribute to the harmony and well-being of the environment. A spiritual entrepreneur wants more from their business than just to pay the bills.

Spiritual Entrepreneurs don’t want unethical business practices such as what took place with Enron, yet they are looking for real business models of sustainability, prosperity and growth. They aren’t into swindling millions of dollars but they also want to be financially successful. They want to be in alignment with their values, but not come across as a flake.

So I ask once again. Are you either? Or are you like me (I consider myself to be a bit of both). Whichever you are, I encourage you to keep on keeping on and making a difference in this world.

God bless...


Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Have you PAP'd today?

Hey everyone,

You might be wondering what the heck I'm talking about. I'm glad you asked. On Monday's podcast, Mike Spillman (Future You University) continued on his question "Why Not Now?" Basically, he's asking what's holding you back from doing what it is you'll do "if only.." and the " one day I will..." You remember those "if only's" and "one day I will's". If only I had the time, if only I had the money, if only..fill in the blank. One day I'll start that business, one day I'll travel to that place, one day I' fill in the blank. Mike's response to the "if only" and "one day I'll" dilemma is Get Started..Today!

Ok ok ok, easier said that done right? I have obligations Miss J, you say. I can't just walk away from my job and step out and get going with my dreams. That'd be irresponsible. True, I agree, but there's nothing stopping you from planning, preparing, getting things set up so that you can get going with your dreams.

Which brings me to PAP, or at least the first P: Plan. Most of us don't even get to that first stage in the process. We are so busy with every day life, fulfilling our obligations to our job, our family, etc that we don't put the time into researching and planning what it will take to make our dreams come true. Then there are those of us who have done our research and have even gone as far as prepared the plan. But alas, that's as far as we've gotten.

Which brings me once again to PAP, or at least the A: Action. Once we have overcome the hurdle of researching, planning, preparing, we need to take that second step and Take Action. Even if that action does not bring you your dream (and it probably won't - forgive me but it's true, no success worth having, no dream worth bringing to pass, will happen overnight), at least you're one step closer to seeing your dream become a reality. And who knows, that one step might be the catalyst you need to get on a roll, and eventually, boom, before you know it, the dream has been realized. You're living your dream.

By now you should have guessed the last P, but if you haven't, it's Progress. All the research and planning, all the action, should lead to progress, even if it's not the desired end result, just yet. But hey, you're making progress, and progress will eventually lead you to your desired end result.

If you plan, take action and make some progress, you'll find success. Preparation is key to any success, online or offline, business or personal or social or financial or whatever success you're after. Of course, no follow up (action) on the preparation (plan) equals no progress.

Live life without regrets. Leave no room for procrastination. The time to do anything is NOW. Tomorrow is never guaranteed, but when it do comes don't let it meet you unprepared.

So have you PAP'd today? I have (this blog is proof).

God bless...


Sunday, March 22, 2009

Story Continuation Contest: The Wealthy Atheist Chapter 4

Hi everyone,

I have decided to have a story continuation contest. The story is one of my christian fiction entitled "The Wealthy Atheist". So far 3 Chapters have been posted. I am looking for Chapter 4.

The lucky winner will become an author on my blog PLUS they will receive $1 (the cash may go up) to their paypal account (must have paypal account in order to receive payment).

In order to qualify to win you MUST continue the story (Chapter 4) on the site. Only continuations (Chapter 4) posted on the site will qualify for the prize (of authorship on my blog AND cash).

The deadline is Thursday, April 30, 2009 12:00(midnight) EST (US). The winner will be announced on Saturday, May 2, 2009 on this blog.

Good luck everyone. God bless...


Saturday, March 21, 2009

Spiritual Sunday Everyone


It's Sunday (here in Belize), the traditional day of worship, at least if you are Christian. Whatever your religious/spiritual beliefs, I invite you to spend at least part of the day focused on connection with your spiritual man.

Being a Christian (a believer in/follower of Jesus Christ) I am looking forward to going to church today to spend some time with fellow believers in/followers of Jesus Christ. I feel that it is vitally important that we spend time together in a place of worship with other people of like faith (spiritual/religious beliefs).

My intention is not to offend any one with this post, but simply to encourage Christians and non-Christians alike that regardless of your faith (spiritual/religious beliefs) take some time today to connect with your spirituality.

That said, connection with one's spiritualityy should not be just a 'Sunday thing' (or whatever your 'day of worship' is), but rather it should be a daily activity. So today, whatever your faith (spiritual/religious beliefs) I encourage you to spend some time connecting with your spirituality.

God bless...