Monday, June 15, 2009

My Social Networks: Come Join Me!

Hello everyone,

I know I've been somewhat MIA here on this blog. I do apologize. I've been superbusy holding down 2 day jobs and trying to maintain an online presence in several online communities as well as my other blogs. I promise to try and do a better job of posting to this blog more regularly.

Now I'd like to extend an invitation to all my blog readers, online friends, everyone who is reading this post anywhere in the world. The invitation is to join me on the following social networks:

Millionaire Mentors:

The Social Network for Millionaires and Millionaires in the Making.

Giving Online:

The Social Network for Givers (of every kind) Online

Millionaires for Christ:

Creating Millionaires for Christ

Looking forward to seeing you on these networks.

God bless..

Lady J (aka LJ)/Miss J (aka MJ)
"For With God Nothing Is Impossible" Luke 1:37
Million Dollar Experiment 2009 (blog)
Story Writer In Bz (blog)
Christians In Business (blog)
MJ Enterprises Bz (Blog)

Follow me on twitter:

There Is "Magic" in Monday!



Think about it - YOU have the ability, the POWER, to make today whatever you want it to be! Oh, I know, there are some of you that are arguing with me right now about this, trying to tell me that I don't know your boss or I don't know the stress you're under or a million other things.


Oh, I know it matters as far as "it is important" to you and your life. However, when I say IT DOESN'T MATTER, what I mean is this: regardless - REGARDLESS of any or all of these "things" that you want to mention - you STILL have the ability and the power to make today whatever YOU choose!

Why dread Monday? Why not, instead, realize that you have the chance to set the tone, not only for your day, but for your whole week! YOU chart the course! Do you understand that?

If you have been following my podcasts and/or my blog then you should have begun, by now, to understand the POWERFUL FACT (yes, FACT) that we DO have the ability within each of us to CHOOSE our path for the day. Will there be roadblocks? Sure there will. Will there be people trying to sabotage what we have planned for our day? ABSOLUTELY!

But, BE PERSISTENT and STAY ON COURSE - THE course that you have set for your self and your mindset.


Yes, you can!

And, while you're at it...."Make it an AWESOME Day! (Who else is going to do it for you?)"

Mike Spillman

There Is "Magic" in Monday

Tuesday, June 2, 2009


                  “Then He called His 12 disciples together and , gave them power  
                   and authority over all devils and to cure diseases”
                   LUKE 9:1

                   “By the word of truth , by the power of God , by the armor 
                    of righteousness on the right hand and on the left’
                   2 CORINTHIANS

                   ”Put on the whole armor of God . That ye maybe able to 
                     stand against the wiles of the devil “
                    EPHESIANS 6:11

                  “Wherefore  take unto you the whole armor of God , that ye 
                    may be able to withstand in the evil day , and having done 
                    all , to stand”
                    EPHESIANS 6:13

 The sun comes up in the East and sets in the West , but can any day ever begin or end without authority? 
By nature we as humans seek authority ,  imposters [disguised as public servants ]   to the one who gave  us authority to begin with . The ability and authority to freely choose righteousness  , and by obedience to Him the proper methodology  and garments to deflect the daily assaults against our very souls  . Yet souls perish everyday , foolishly lacking the knowledge that they already posses the authority that they in vain diligently pursue  , but sadly fail to find anything they can faithfully be allegiant to or believe .Given to them equally as anyone , by the eternally loving Father of us all , that created them , wanting them to prosper and glorify Him .

               ‘’My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge because thou        
                  has rejected knowledge , I also will reject thee , that thou shalt
                  be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy 
                  God , I will also forget thy children’’
                  HOSEA 4:6

The above instructions and , plainly explicit dialogue , assures us that each day will begin and end by our and His authority . Best , is that as His proxies we already are given the authority to begin , endure , each and end every day .

No doubt in our daily existence we will endure and need to overcome many frequent attacks by the attacks of principalities in this world . As we of this world , not in it do have the authority to defeat all attacks against us. Depressing ? Not really!, as Paul said to die is Christ , to live is gain . Later in Phillipi , he told us , I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me’’, both profundities that we need to make part of our everyday lives . Nearly one thousand years earlier Isaiah instructed Jerusalem to put on the breastplate of righteousness , helmets of salvation , garments of vengeance , and clad in cloaks of zeal . Man says relegate , God says just do it . Clearly that resonates our domain of authority .

              ‘’For he put on righteousness as a breastplate , and a helmet of 
               salvation upon his head and he put on garments of vengeance for 
               clothing , and was clad with zeal as a cloak ‘’
               ISAIAH 59:17

Paul in Ephesus , espouses this somewhat modified . Recorded by Luke and given to us .

            ‘’Stand therefore having your loins girt about with truth , and having  
               on the breastplate of righteousness’’
              EPHESIANS 6:14

Profound truths enabling us to fend off with Father given Heavenly authority , any and assaults launched against us . That is no promise of a grandiose life , just divine assurance that we have the authority to face any and all offenses and know that we will never be alone nor forsaken .

Something that I can elaborate on , because I am the only expert that I know on me . The disabilities I have now are the result of a stroke that I survived May 21 , 2001 . On that day like the roaring lion that he is , Satan took from me a very healthy body that I took for granted . I plunged into a realm that few enter and fewer ever emerge from . For a long time I languished in grief over my loss , and felt betrayed , and forsaken .What Satan took , God returned as a blessing that does enable me to see life from a very unique perspective . Nearly eight years later  , what took seconds to happen has taken years to overcome .The improvements keep on keepin’ on , proving to me that it does get better, and this entire time I have known that I have  the God ordained authority to daily pursue health and inspire others while I do it .

Jesus in Matthew 22: 39, commands us to ’

             ’’And the second is like unto it , Thou shalt love thy neighbor as 
                thyself ‘’

In Romans , Paul shares with us the promise :,

              ‘’And we know that all things work together for the good to them 
               Who love God  , to them called according to His purpose ‘’
               Romans 8:28 

There are no so and so if or when exclusions telling us who or where our neighbors will be  or what condition they  might be in . Just the authoritative commands directly from God that give us the freedom of authority  .

God sent His only son , Jesus , who when He had to leave sent a helper , The Holy Ghost . To give to us the ability to face any and all things , and possess all of His powers . Of the many gifts that He gives us fear and worry are not included , they are not spirits of God and we can change nothing by choosing to posses either one . However we can lose our peace that will guide us through any danger that life presents us with .

He gave us many verses that would help us , for He and His Father are not willing that any should perish . In the few years that He was here He faced and experienced ALL of same conditions that we have and will face . Before He left He gave to us these verses and many more like it to help us find our way to His home in Heaven . While here , like us now and in the foreseeable future He faced and endured seasons of no cash , food or even a place to lay His head . He faced the same conditions we did and do , but gave us the authority to be victorious in adversity .

           ‘’Take us the foxes , the little foxes that spoil the vines : 
              for our vines have tender grapes’’
                SOLOMON 2:15

         ‘’They say unto Him . Caesar’s . Then saith He unto them , render 
            therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesers ; and unto
            God the things that are Gods ‘’
             MATTHEW 22:21

All that you have that belongs to God is your soul , anything else is Caeser’s , and where he’s going you don’t want to .

           ‘’And Jesus saith unto him , Foxes have holes and  the birds
             of the air have nests , but the Son of man hath not a place
             where to lay His head ‘’
             MATTHEW 8:20

 The sun comes up in the East and sets in the West , but can any day ever begin or end without authority? 
By nature we as humans seek authority ,  imposters [disguised as public servants ]   to the one who gave  us authority to begin with . The ability and authority to freely choose righteousness  , and by obedience to Him the proper methodology  and garments to deflect the daily assaults against our very souls  . Yet souls perish everyday , foolishly lacking the knowledge that they already posses the authority that they in vain diligently pursue  , but sadly fail to find anything they can faithfully be allegiant to or believe .Given to them equally as anyone , by the eternally loving Father of us all , that created them , wanting them to prosper and glorify Him .

               ‘’My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge because thou        
                  has rejected knowledge , I also will reject thee , that thou shalt
                  be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy 
                  God , I will also forget thy children’’
                  HOSEA 4:6

The above instructions and , plainly explicit dialogue , assures us that each day will begin and end by our and His authority . Best , is that as His proxies we already are given the authority to begin , endure , each and end every day .

No doubt in our daily existence we will endure and need to overcome many frequent attacks by the attacks of principalities in this world . As we of this world , not in it do have the authority to defeat all attacks against us. Depressing ? Not really!, as Paul said to die is Christ , to live is gain . Later in Phillipi , he told us , I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me’’, both profundities that we need to make part of our everyday lives . Nearly one thousand years earlier Isaiah instructed Jerusalem to put on the breastplate of righteousness , helmets of salvation , garments of vengeance , and clad in cloaks of zeal . Man says relegate , God says just do it . Clearly that resonates our domain of authority .

              ‘’For he put on righteousness as a breastplate , and a helmet of 
               salvation upon his head and he put on garments of vengeance for 
               clothing , and was clad with zeal as a cloak ‘’
               ISAIAH 59:17

Paul in Ephesus , espouses this somewhat modified . Recorded by Luke and given to us .

            ‘’Stand therefore having your loins girt about with truth , and having  
               on the breastplate of righteousness’’
              EPHESIANS 6:14

Profound truths enabling us to fend off with Father given Heavenly authority , any and assaults launched against us . That is no promise of a grandiose life , just divine assurance that we have the authority to face any and all offenses and know that we will never be alone nor forsaken .

Something that I can elaborate on , because I am the only expert that I know on me . The disabilities I have now are the result of a stroke that I survived May 21 , 2001 . On that day like the roaring lion that he is , Satan took from me a very healthy body that I took for granted . I plunged into a realm that few enter and fewer ever emerge from . For a long time I languished in grief over my loss , and felt betrayed , and forsaken .What Satan took , God returned as a blessing that does enable me to see life from a very unique perspective . Nearly eight years later  , what took seconds to happen has taken years to overcome .The improvements keep on keepin’ on , proving to me that it does get better, and this entire time I have known that I have  the God ordained authority to daily pursue health and inspire others while I do it .

Jesus in Matthew 22: 39, commands us to ’

             ’’And the second is like unto it , Thou shalt love thy neighbor as 
                thyself ‘’

In Romans , Paul shares with us the promise :,

              ‘’And we know that all things work together for the good to them 
               Who love God  , to them called according to His purpose ‘’
               Romans 8:28 

There are no so and so if or when exclusions telling us who or where our neighbors will be  or what condition they  might be in . Just the authoritative commands directly from God that give us the freedom of authority  .

God sent His only son , Jesus , who when He had to leave sent a helper , The Holy Ghost . To give to us the ability to face any and all things , and posess all of His powers . Of the many gifts that He gives us fear and worry are not included , they are not spirits of God and we can change nothing by choosing to posses either one . However we can lose our peace that will guide us through any danger that life presents us with .

He gave us many verses that would help us , for He and His Father are not willing that any should perish . In the few years that He was here He faced and experienced ALL of same condition that we have and will face . Before He left He gave to us these verses and many more like it to help us find our way to His home in Heaven . While here , like us now and in the foreseeable future He faced and endured seasons of no cash , food or even a place to lay His head . He faced the same conditions we did and do , but gave us the authority to be victorious in adversity .

           ‘’Take us the foxes , the little foxes that spoil the vines : 
              for our vines have tender grapes’’
                SOLOMON 2:15

         ‘’They say unto Him . Caesar’s . Then saith He unto them , render 
            therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesers ; and unto
            God the things that are Gods ‘’
             MATTHEW 22:21

All that you have that belongs to God is your soul , anything else is Caeser’s , and where he’s going you don’t want to .

           ‘’And Jesus saith unto him , Foxes have holes and  the birds
             of the air have nests , but the Son of man hath not a place
             where to lay His head ‘’
             MATTHEW 8:20