Thursday, May 14, 2009


The question was ,  Where does childhood end and adulthood begin?
When I was about 45 I was asked that question . For me the answer was simple .You've probably asked the wrong person ,  I don't know if childhood ever ends , my life has been adventure after adventure . If we all are God's children and  indeed childlike , from my vantage , that'e the way it should be . 
 Since the adventures continue to this day ,  at nearly 55 , there are no straight lines that make up my life  and all the roads have bends  ,  in a wheelchair [one of the  adventures that I have been blessed to have ] the adventures keep comung THANK GOD!  My intimacy with God and my continuos  focus on Him and Heaven , make this long strange trip an adventure of lifelong duration , with honor .
I consider this privilege of being able to  share this an adventure , and the privilege of writing this another adventure . 2 adventures sharing one question . Not only adventures but a legacy .
Nothing stops me from giving and for that I 
 THANK YOU GOD !!! what joy .

We never know what our blessing will be , we can only accept it , and make the best of it and know that is a blessing for the unique person that God created us to be , share it willfully and encourage evryone to be the best they can be as they build and share their blessing . Food maybe the only medicine we put in our bodies everyday , but God is the only medicine that we can open our hearts , minds , and spirits to and have a lifetime of blessed everydays .

Have a Godly everyday !
Your Brother in Christ ,
Russell Emerson

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