Saturday, March 21, 2009

It's SENSATIONAL Saturday!

Hey everyone,

It's SENSATIONAL Saturday! Or at least that's how I've coined it following Mike Spillman's (Future You University) example.

Yesterday was FUN Friday. Did you remember to make it a fun day yesterday? Well, don't worry if you didn't you can still make it a fun day today. As a matter of fact, make it a SENSATIONAL day today.

How can you make it a SENSATIONAL day today? Do something you love. Spend time with the people you love: your family, your friends, your children, your spouse, your parents, whomever. Sing. Write. Dance. Play sports. You get the idea, right?

So go make it a SENSATIONAL Saturday!

God bless...

Miss J (aka MJ)

1 comment:

  1. Sensational Saturday - I LIKE IT!

    You know, I call Monday - "Magical Monday"!

    And each day is just that, isn't it?

    Mike Spillman
    "Make it an AWESOME Day! (Who else is going to do it for you?)"
