Saturday, September 29, 2012

How to Identify an Honest, Legitimate Business You Can Really Work From Home!

We've all heard the get-rich-quick claims. You know the ones. People who were supposedly down and out until they stumbled upon the secret formula for success and Bam! Presto! - They now have this perfect storybook life earning millions of dollars while they sleep or vacation. Right? - R I G H T!

There's another old saying that we've all heard too -
"If it sounds too good to be true it probably is."

Now that doesn't mean that every opportunity out there is a scheme or a scam, nor does it mean that you can't find a legitimate way to work from home and earn the kind of income that would allow you to pursue some of life's passions. So, let's review 8 logical factors that we've discovered are key to identify and separate an honest and legitimate business concept from a get-rich-quick scheme.

You Have to Have a Real Product That Customers Will Really Want and Need Versus The Latest Overpriced Fad Product or Overblown Hyped Product.

For example, there are a lot of home-based-businesses these days selling miracle fruit juices that supposedly heal everything that ails you! How many people do you know that would actually spend $35 - $40 a bottle on fruit juice? And if these juices really did all these amazing things, don't you think that Welch's and other billion dollar company giants would be selling them for $5 a bottle versus $40? It's already happening. Do this for me please, next time you are in Costco take a look and you'll see dozens of these exotic juices for sale at a fraction of the price of the ones the home-based-businesses. People might pay twice as much for a product if it can be proven to be better quality than the cheaper version but not 5 or 10 times as much. I mean, come on, I'm a businessperson looking for a serious business I can pursue, HOW STUPID DO YOU THINK I AM. Overpriced, exotic products with wild claims are usually a red flag for a business of questionable legitimacy. AVOID THESE LIKE THEY WERE THE EBOLA VIRUS

Are The Start-Up Costs Reasonable and Do I Get Value For My Investment?

I say RUN AWAY from any business that asks you to send them money before they will give you the details of what their business is about. Also view opportunities that have large inventory requirements with a great deal of scepticism as well. In this day and age you DO NOT NEED to spend thousands of dollars on inventory, most companies you would want to get involved with drop-ship their products right to your customers for you. Those types of companies may show you people that are earning HUGE checks, but the only reason their check is huge is because they have found suckers that would buy a large quantity of inventory to get a bonus or a status. They are in the business of selling inventory to suckers versus selling real products to real customers. You probably should avoid those deals. There is no need for you to have to stock product, take orders, or make deliveries a GOOD BUSINESS MODEL will take care of these things on your behalf.

Does The Company Behind The Products Have a Money-Back Guarantee?

This is straightforward. Anything less than a 30-day unconditional money back guarantee is highly suspicious (and may even be illegal in some jurisdictions). Good companies will even take back used products for a refund (although it would be entirely understandable if they charged a small restocking fee for this).

What Exactly Do You Get Paid For Doing?

Many people know it is illegal almost everywhere for you to get paid solely on the act of recruiting a new participant into a moneymaking opportunity. You can only be paid when an actual product or service of value is moved to an end-user. There are a lot of companies, especially in the Multi Level Marketing Arena, that walk a fine line with this one. For example, there are several companies that charge you $500 to become a Marketing Representative, which really buys you nothing more than the ability to earn commissions when you recruit other Reps and a "kit" that contains nothing more than manuals and documentation. They may have had their legal team cleverly disguise this payment (for the act of recruiting) as bonuses you earn when you help others recruit... but my question is... what does the $500 actually buy you? Is there any product of real value changing hands here? A closer look usually reveals that most of the commissions being paid in those businesses is being generated from the $500 people are paying to get started. Remember, you can only be paid when an actual product or service of value is moved to an end-user.

Does The Company Have a Track Record?

Every company claims they are successful but can it be verified though independent sources? Check the Better Business Bureau in their home state or province. Do they have a Dunn & Bradstreet Number and rating? How long have they been in business? Are they debt-free? Do they have total quality control of and manufacture their own products. Have they ever been featured in legitimate business publications like Inc. Magazine? (Don't be fooled by companies featured in magazines like Success, Entrepreneur or Home Based Business, as most of these publications will actually "sell" their cover page or feature story to any company that wants to pay for it.) You cannot buy your way onto the Inc. not paying for someone to herald them. It is much more credible when this comes from independent sources.

What Kind Of Training & Support is Offered?

One of the biggest reasons that Franchising has been such a successful business model is because the person purchasing the Franchise from the master Franchisor is buying a proven system of success. I would suggest you apply this same reasoning to any home-based-business you might be considering. Are the people you will be teaming up with already successful? What is their track record? Do they have the blueprint and resources for you to easily duplicate that are provided for a very reasonable or even no cost at all. Stay clear of companies that end up expecting you to invest hundreds of dollars a month for their "systems". It is a sure sign they are making money off the system versus from helping you be successful.

Avoid Businesses That Claim They Will Build It All For You.

Nothing makes me laugh more than the advertisements offering to build your business for you. The reason I laugh is simple. Why do they need you, if they are going to build it all for you? Why don't they just build it all for themselves? The answer is simple. THEY DON'T NEED YOU - THEY WANT YOUR MONEY! I guess people who want something for nothing still get sucked into this offer. And while they may not have to do much, they will always end up paying a lot usually with little or no results.

Find a Product That Replaces Something People Are Already Buying But Offers Better Value and Convenience.

The old saying that you can make a lot of money if you build a better mousetrap is still true today. A great example in recent history of this is the video rental company Netflix. Before they burst on to the scene, no one could compete with Block Buster's buying power. This ensured they always had dozens of copies of the latest releases at reasonable prices and they had a store in every neighbourhood to make it convenient for the customer. But they still had huge overhead with thousands of stores. Netflix came along and made a better mousetrap. Without the overhead of thousands of stores, Netflix could afford to mail videos directly to your home making it cost effective and even more convenient than your local Block Buster video. The product was the same, but the business model was disruptive. So Netflix captured a huge market share almost overnight of a product people were already spending money on. Make sense?

A legitimate business will offer this kind of value and convenience to the customer. So find something they already spend money on, improve the quality and convenience and you'll have a hit that can create long-term sustainable income.

About the author:

Geoff Bennetto has built a global organization of independent marketing reps, all of whom work from home.

Prior to launching his business in 2011, Geoff searched through hundreds of small or home based business opportunities determining what time tested principles separated the legitimate businesses from the fly by night schemes and scams.

Today, Geoff trains and lectures internationally.

Geoff continues to work with his current teammates and new members in order to help them build significant incomes as well, each with their own unique plan to fit their life schedule.

You can learn more about Geoff and follow his blog by visiting

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Yours in Success...

God bless..

Ms Ranjini "Jini" Charley
SUCCESS in 2012 and beyond = FREE Income Generating Programs + FREE Training
(Be sure to sign up for this training and stay informed on Income Generating Programs. Updated Frequently)

"Together with Jesus is better than separate and alone" - Sarah Bowling

Ps. Feel free to pass the link to this post on to whomever you like!

Friday, September 21, 2012

Why Goal Setting Is Important For Solo Entrepreneurs

What guides you to where you are now to where you want to be is a goal. With goal setting, you have a destination or a clarity of where you want to go. I remembered the quote or the conversation in the Alice wonderland movie or story book between Cheshire cat and Alice:

"Which road do I take?" asked Alice

"Where do you want to go?" responded Cheshire cat

"I don't know," replied Alice

"Then, it doesn't matter," concluded Cheshire cat

From the conversation above, if you just run the business and do activities without a purpose, you are going nowhere. So, you need a business goal. If you are solo entrepreneurs, your business goal may include your personal one as well. You have to be successful in life and in business as part of your goal setting. Here are the reasons why goal setting is important for solo entrepreneurs:

Most goals are measured by SMART (specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and timely) hence it has numbers or monetary values and due time. Yes, SMART goal setting is necessary such as financial goal. You want to know if you achieve your financial goal by measuring in term of monetary values.

There is also a goal that you can't measure, such as a lifestyle, personal or family goal. There is sometimes a connectivity between a lifestyle and financial goal. How will your life change if you achieve your financial goal? What will you do for your family when you meet your goal?

It is easy to set up six months, one year or two year goal. To create a long-term goal for five years and ten years, you really need to have a vision, a mission and a big dream. It is easy for kids to come out with a big dream. Most adults become perplexed when they're asked for their goal or dream in five or ten years in the future.

Do you need to work alone to achieve your goal? Previously, I thought that this was my goal, and I was responsible for it; I had to work for my goal. Most people fail to reach their goal because they are not held accountable for their goal. The number one reason why people are afraid to set a goal is because they have fear to work hard, and they lack of support. You need someone to follow up with your goal. Most of the successful people, athletes and superstars have their goals achieved because they have a coach by their side. Kids have parents, teachers or adults to follow up with their goals or accomplishments. A coach will assist, encourage and cheer the person as he is working toward his goal.

Goal setting is important for solo entrepreneurs because you can get what you want faster and timely. As you are practicing goal setting often, you will work more efficiently, and you work according to the plan. Your life will turn out to be great and your business will grow as you expect it.

Viviana, a certified coach and a consultant for online business, is sharing her attraction marketing tips for solo entrepreneurs. Get Free training fear in business and free ebook "How to Develop Entrepreneurial Mindset."

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Yours in Success...

God bless..

Ms Ranjini "Jini" Charley
SUCCESS in 2012 and beyond = FREE Income Generating Programs + FREE Training
(Be sure to sign up for this training and stay informed on Income Generating Programs. Updated Frequently)

"Together with Jesus is better than separate and alone" - Sarah Bowling

Ps. Feel free to pass the link to this post on to whomever you like!   

Sunday, September 2, 2012

How to Set Goals to Help Build Your Home Business

To get your home based business up and running, in the shortest possible time, you need to develop a business plan and set realistic and achievable goals. These are two of the most important elements necessary to build and expand your business. Nothing will happen without a working blue print to keep you focussed, and on track, so that you can produce the best possible outcome for your home business. Without setting goals then you cannot monitor your progress against them.

Set a series of goals based on set intervals. Set weekly and monthly targets to begin, then you can expand this to three monthly intervals, so you get a clear picture over a full year's trading. By doing this you will make sure that you stay on task throughout each week, and at the end of every month, you can see how much you've accomplished. Just as important you will be able to identify where things are going wrong. Without this information you will not be able to take the necessary action to make corrections. It will also guide you as to the areas where you are more successful, and allow you discard anything that is seen not to be working.

The first annual goal is something that, hopefully, you will want to celebrate. By this time you will have gained experience and learned the best and worst faces of running your own business from home. If you can see that you have met, or surpassed, your original goal then you must set your second year target higher. You need a goal that is not overly optimistic, but something that you know will need considerable effort to attain. Having seen what the first year has brought, you will now know what you are capable of. You will have a great deal more confidence and will be more motivated to reach the next level.

If your first year feels disappointing, do not allow it to destroy your enthusiasm. Remember that it is bound to be a hard learning curve, and view it as such. Recognise that people leave college with a degree but they will still need some years of experience before they become useful employees and contribute to their company's progress. Do not become discouraged if you aren't reaching your goals. The same rules apply. Make use of your goals to learn and to make changes for improvement. It will be a constantly changing scenario as you learn and adjust.

Keep an eye on your work scheduleto be sure you are keeping closely too it and not losing valuable work time through family distractions. Try to analyze everything that you do and determine if there is more you can do, or a more productive way, to do certain things. If you know someone who has succeeded in business, do not be afraid to ask advice. If you left your job on good terms there is no reason why you cannot talk to your old boss. You may be surprised how willing people are to help those they see trying to better themselves.

It helps if you do not have family concerns on your mind. It isoften difficult to balance the needs of a family with business commitments. Share your regular break and lunch times with your family. Set time aside each weekend to be with them. If you know they are happy it will make a big difference to how you feel about the business, especially if you are struggling from time to time, as is normal in business. The best way to reach any level of success is to strike the right balance between your home business and family life.

Hopefully you now feel a little different about your home business since you have been considering these points. Your mindset should be more goal oriented. You will see the value of setting goals, both as a target, and as a tool to monitor your progress. Maintain this mindset, be persistent and you will build a successful home business as many have done before you.

Settling in the U.K. after many years of living and working overseas, Aden has become a regular contributor of informative articles on home based businesses and internet marketing. Admitting that his earlier efforts were difficult and frustrating, he finally found a new source of information and support that he continues to use today. He sees this as a lifetime companion and visits on a regular basis. Anyone interested can see for themselves by a visit to

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Yours in Success...

God bless..

Ms Ranjini "Jini" Charley
SUCCESS in 2012 and beyond = FREE Income Generating Programs + FREE Training
(Be sure to sign up for this training and stay informed on Income Generating Programs. Updated Frequently)

"Together with Jesus is better than separate and alone" - Sarah Bowling

Ps. Feel free to pass the link to this post on to whomever you like!